Sunday Morning Bible Study meets at 9:00 am in the Youth Building for grades 6-12.
Trek & J
ourney (Jr. High & Sr. High Bible studies) meet Sundays at 4:45-5:45 pm in the Youth Building.
Trek (6th-8th grade) and Journey (9th-12th grade) programs answer questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible and apply those answers to students’ lives through an engaging Bible study. Trek and Journey put their faith into practice by participating in mission projects throughout the year. This program is part of AWANA. The students participatiing in Trek & Journey will be recognized in the end of year AWANA Celebration.
Register Here for AWANA/Trek & Journey
Mpact (Youth Choir, Puppets & Signing) meets Sundays at 5:45-6:45 pm in the Youth Building.Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to lead in worship through youth choir. The choir and drama group meets on Sunday nights at 5:45 PM in the youth building. Each year, participants take a mission trip to make a difference in the name of Christ.
Youth Praise Band practice is Sunday nights at 6:45 pm in the Youth building.
The Youth Praise Band leads worship for Wednesday's Youth Worship at 6:45 pm. We have 2-3 Youth Led Worship Sundays in our morning worship at 10;30 am each year.