River Bend Women


Sundays: Bible Study 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM

River Bend Women

Join the women of River Bend as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events.

The River Bend Women's Team strives to develop and strengthen relationships while helping women grow closer to the Lord through Bible studies, discussion groups and annual activities, including a women's conference and table top event.

Secret Sisters 2025


Thank you to all that signed up!

If you are participating in the Secret Sister 2025 program, please pray for your secret sister and leave cards and/or small gift items at least once a month to encourage them and make them feel loved in 2025!  Cards and gift items for your Secret Sister can be left on the table under the River Bend Women's Bulletin Board by the Ladies' Restroom on the River Bend Kids hallway. 

Please contact Christy in the church office at 281-346-2279 or CMiller@RiverBendBC.org, Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30 pm, if you have any questions or would like a prayer request shared with your Secret Sister.

Ladies' Precept Bible Study

Precept Bible Study meets on Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 am in the Youth Building.   Our current study is Daniel Part 2.  

 Please contact Darlene Irvin to order your book or for more information.  Workbook cost is $23.

Amazing Grace Quilters

The Amazing Grace Quilters meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9 til 2, every month in Room E2 at RBBC to make charity quilts. Quilting abilities range from novice to well-experienced; quilters of all ages and quilter-wanna-be's are all welcome! 

Bring a brown bag lunch or snack, your sewing machine with your normal sewing tools, and any scraps you want to share to make charity quilts. We have several bins of fabric donated already, so if you need some, you're welcome to use ours. The quilts made will be given to Casa de Esperanza, a children’s shelter for children at risk; Redeemed Ministries (where young women go after being rescued from the sex trafficking trade); Quilts of Valor for military returnees; the elderly in nursing homes; new babies at RBBC and to RBBC families in an emergency crisis. Contact information: Mona Follis, 281-827-9545.  

Table Top – "What’s That?" You Ask.

“Table Top” is an annual event sponsored by the River Bend Women open to all women of the church, their friends, and the community.  Women in the church agree to decorate a table (hence the name, Table Top) and act as hostess for that table.  The evening includes entertainment and a  delicious meal.  The catered meal is served by the men of the church (bow ties provided). 

2025 Save the date: Tuesday, September (TBD).   Evening includes entertainment, music, guest speaker and catered dinner!  $25/person

Plan your visit